Celiqum Home



The home you need.

Quick execution

Natural home

A cost-effective solution

Celiqum home –

A new home without compromise

Every Celiqum Home is built on the same principle: make the construction process faster and cleaner, and the finished building more comfortable and energy efficient. To achieve our goals, we constantly research new technologies and make extensive use of natural and recycled materials.

Celiqum home – benefits

passive house technology

The first passive house (passivhaus) was built in Germany in 1990, and the number has been growing ever since. The passive house is all about maximising energy efficiency and reducing the ecological footprint, which is positive for both the environment and the people living in the house.

heat recovery ventilation

Heat recovery ventilation ensures a constant flow of fresh air throughout the building, while minimising heat loss. Fresh air from the outside is cooled or heated by air from the inside.

OSB Plate
Cellulose insulation
Cellulose insulation
Vapour permeable film


The manufacturing technology allows for effective thermal and sound insulation of walls and roofs. Thanks to the insulation material used for the buildings, air tightness and thermal bridging are easily achieved, which greatly slows down the cooling and warming of the house.

selected materials

Celiqum Home offers the warmth of a wooden house but requires as much care as a well-made brick house, as only selected materials are used. The wood is pre-dried, pest-free, treated and precision cut so the elements are like a carefully crafted piece of furniture, no creaking, no drying, no cracking.

passive house technology

Energy efficient house with passive house technology. We use energy-efficient windows and doors (external doors and windows are more resistant to heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer), recycled and environmentally friendly materials and the finished houses are also highly energy efficient.


The walls and roof are heat and sound insulated so that once heated in the evening or late afternoon, the house can comfortably last until morning, while remaining cool in the strong summer sun. The house can be heated by gas or electricity, via underfloor heating.

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A Celiqum Home egy faház melegséget nyújtja viszont annyi törődést igényel

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A Celiqum Home egy faház melegséget nyújtja viszont annyi törődést igényel

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A Celiqum Home egy faház melegséget nyújtja viszont annyi törődést igényel

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A Celiqum Home egy faház melegséget nyújtja viszont annyi törődést igényel

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A Celiqum Home egy faház melegséget nyújtja viszont annyi törődést igényel

heat recovery ventilation

The heat recovery ventilation system always provides fresh air in the house at the same time, contributing to heating and cooling by using the hot air used to heat the fresh cold air coming in from outside in winter and the cooler air used to cool the cooler air inside to cool the hot air outside in summer.

selected materials

We are talking about a wooden house, but as a feeling and comfort it offers the warmth a wooden house wants, but it requires as much care as a well-made brick house, because the materials selected for it are of international standards, the wood is pre-dried, pest-free, treated, cut to the millimetre, so the elements are like a carefully made piece of furniture, no creaking, no drying, no crackling.

Available houses

Choose from our growing range

or bring your own designs.

Choose the right house for you from our ever-expanding catalogue. From container-sized holiday homes to passive houses of several hundred square metres, you are sure to find your dream home. Contact us if you want to build your own home from your own plans, and our colleagues will make the necessary modifications to plans from external sources. If necessary, we can also adapt your brick buildings to comply with prefab technology.

Working processes


Choose from our catalogue or bring your own designs. Once we have assessed the site and fixed a price, we will start working together.

Manufacture of building elements

Thanks to factory conditions, we achieve better quality faster than if we were building on site.

Assembling the building

We deliver the elements to the site and assemble the building in 1-5 days, depending on the size of the building.

Move in

You can move into your new home within about three months of signing the contract.



Házkalkulátor kisokos

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Mit takar az nZEB standard?

A közel nulla kibocsátású épület (NZEB) olyan épületet jelent, amely nagyon magas energiateljesítménnyel rendelkezik, miközben a közel nulla vagy nagyon alacsony energiaszükségletet jelentős mértékben, megújuló

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Passzívház kritériumok

A passzívház teljesítmény alapú szabvány: meghatározza a teljesítendő paramétereket, de nem határozza meg, hogyan kell elérni azokat. Nagy meglepetésre a PHI nem határoz meg rengeteg

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Melyek a passzívház előnyei és hátrányai?

Az ingatlanpiac nagyon sokféle lehetőséget kínál, amelyek közül a leendő tulajdonosok választhatnak. Az alternatívák között szerepelnek az úgynevezett passzívházak, amelyek igazán újakRomániában. Vajon ezek a

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Miért éppen faház?

Miért éppen faszerkezet? Melyek a faházak előnyei? A fa az egyik legrégebbi építőanyag, amelyet már az ókor óta használnak házak építésére. Ez egy sokoldalú anyag,

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Brădești, 294/B, Județul Harghita
+40 756 077 663